Peace Day Activities Overview
The following are suggested Peace One Day School Activity Descriptions that can be implemented on Peace Day September 21st
Have your class, choir, or glee club join in singing and performing Steve Wonder’s, “We Are The World”, or a peace song of your choice. You can perform this for your school during announcements or make a video recording of students singing to be presented on Peace Day.
Assemble a class, a grade level or the entire school in the formation of a human peace sign or the word Peace, and capture the moment on camera.
Survey the student body to identify the ancestral roots of your campus. Showcase the diversity in your school by displaying a picture of the Earth and pinning Orlando, FL as your central mark and where your students come from stretching out around the world.
Create a mural
Create an artist mural displaying symbols or actions of peace and kindness.
Plant a peace tree
Have a tree planting dedicated to peace, kindness, compassion, and respect.
Bake sale
Hold a bake sale on campus and donate the proceeds to a non-profit organization.
Peace video
Produce a video showcasing random acts of kindness and celebrating your school’s diversity and unity.
Beautification projecT
Select an area of your school that’s in need some tender love and care and spruce it up.
“Mixed it up” Friday
Students are encouraged to eat breakfast or lunch with someone they don’t eat with on a regular basis or invite someone new to their group.
Food Drive
Coordinate a canned food drive to donate to a local agency.
Coat Drive
With fall and winter fast approaching, organizing a coat drive would give those in need of warm clothing a head start for the season.
Clean Water DrivE
Have your school community donate water bottles or coolers to help those in need.
Peace Talk
Spend sometime today to talking about the international issues that threaten peace in the world and what impact it has on kids their age. Discuss some possible solutions and how we can all strive for peace within ourselves, with our peers, and within the community.
Peace Garden
Create a space outside where students can go and feel relaxed and at peace with nature and their surroundings.
Peace Word Challenge
In how many languages can you say hello and peace? Encourage your students and staff to use another language to greet someone this day.
Peace in Action Collage
Create and post a bulletin board demonstrating peace in action at your school.
International Flag Board
Display the diversity of your school by posting flags from all the countries in which your students and staff are from.